Make a difference

What kind of a Hiring manager are you?

Posted by in Hiring, Management

A disciple once asked Socrates. “Sir, you ask everyone who wants to become your disciple to look into the pond and tell you what he sees. Why is it so?”

Socrates replied: “It is quite simple. One who sees the fish swimming around, I accept him. Others who see their own reflection are in love with their ego. I have no use of them.”

Here is the question for you – What kind of a hiring manager are you?

Do you look for people who see the fish swimming around (see a different perspective) or they are a mirror image of yourself (see the world the way you see it).    The growth for you as a Manager, and for your company is in you hiring a person who brings a radically different perspective compared to yours! 



The 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs

Posted by in Apple

I got this from a friend of mine- so not sure where this was originally published. Nevertheless, with all credit to the author of this,  I wanted to share this because I think there is a lesson for each of us to learn from this man.

Hate him, love him, but you certainly cannot ignore him. Let us look for what we can learn from him!

10 Commandments of Steve Jobs


The Future

Posted by in Blogging

The future is what we are creating.

I was stuck with this quote below by John Schaar- and it has got me thinking.



What exactly do I want to achieve with this blog.  This is a difficult question to answer (I guess, better late than never to ask those questions).

It originally started off with an online presence and since then evolved to something different.   The tag line of “Make a Difference” opens up a flurry of questions on “What Difference”? 

I have been thinking on that – really!  There is a lot more one can do- to make the difference.

I will work on that line going forward…. I plan to look and post items which really MAKE A DIFFERENCE to me- and hopefully to some of you. Be it Technology, Applications, Personal thoughts or books that have helped shape my life.   Do continue to give me feedback as many of you do by writing to me. 



Posted by in Motivation

"Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth." — Katherine Mansfield, author

How many times do we plan to do something only to be shot down with “what cannot be done”, and “WHY it should not be done”.

If there is any way to build a success in your life, then it is about taking RISKS.

Everyday, take 1 step forward with this, and chances are there will be more successful.

Try it out! Take risks. Don’t worry about the consequences. Life will be far more memorable and I bet for good reasons than bad. 


The 3 A’s of Awesome

Posted by in Motivation

I had the opportunity to see this on and was super impressed with the simplicity of this all.

The 3A’s –

  1. Attitude
  2. Awareness
  3. Authenticity

Impressive. It takes a lot of attitude to create something like what he has done – the 1000 things to be happy about – which makes this life Awesome!
