Make a difference

13 lessons from Alex Hormozi

Posted by in Motivation, Personal Branding

I am reading Alex’s book $100M Offers, which has been a very different but exhilarating read. I should have read this 20 years ago (but he wasn’t around then) :).

Here are the 13 life lessons from the transcript:

  1. Humility and Learning: The value of assuming you’re less knowledgeable than others to foster learning and better decision-making. The narrator emphasizes the importance of listening over speaking to gain insights and avoid embarrassment.
  2. Earning Self-Respect: Understanding that the hardest respect to earn is one’s own and that changing personal behavior is key to altering public perception and gaining respect from others.
  3. Controlling Narrative for Effective Communication: The lesson that if you want people to understand and convey what your business does, you need to provide them with clear and simple language to describe it effectively.
  4. Quality over Quantity in Learning: The importance of deeply understanding a few significant texts rather than superficially reading many. The narrator suggests that re-reading valuable books can lead to a deeper understanding and implementation of their lessons.
  5. The Importance of Goodwill: Realizing that goodwill compounds faster than money and that cultivating positive relationships and sentiments can have significant long-term benefits.
  6. The Power of Persistence: Recognizing that committing to a single course of action over a long period can lead to mastery and success, and that this commitment is more crucial than the nature of the action itself.
  7. Excellence over Speed: The insight that doing things well is more important than doing them quickly, and that great work requires significantly more effort than merely good work.
  8. Negotiation and Long-Term Relationships: Learning the importance of negotiation and maintaining good relationships for long-term benefits, rather than focusing on short-term gains.
  9. Humility and Contribution to the Community: Understanding that humility involves serving others and contributing to the community, which in turn, enhances one’s own status and fulfillment.
  10. Personal Accountability and Progress: The realization that focusing on one’s own actions and progress, rather than external opinions and criticisms, leads to genuine self-improvement and satisfaction.
  11. Cycle of Failure and Success: Acknowledging the inevitable cycle of failure, learning, and success, and striving to minimize complacency to continuously learn and succeed.
  12. Shedding False Realities for Entrepreneurship: The process of discarding false beliefs and perceptions to see the world more clearly, which is crucial for entrepreneurial success and personal growth.
  13. Value of Focused Investment: The lesson that investing time, effort, and resources into genuinely understanding and applying a few key concepts or skills is far more valuable than spreading oneself too thin across many areas

Adding VALUE in every engagement you have drives customer delight

Posted by in Personal Brand, StartUp

I remember reading these three words in a Reader’s Digest from the 90’s (more than 30 years ago) that has stuck with me since then. It said- “3 words that changed my world”.

Make a difference.

That has governed my thinking for a long time. And today, as I engage with clients on my own, I remember those words and they are the tenets we operate in.

In the dynamic landscape of customer experience, the difference between a good business and a great one often lies in its ability to not just meet but exceed customer expectations. Creating delightful experiences is not just about forging transactions but also about making connections that resonate with customers on a personal level.

As aptly put it, “The greatest technology in the world hasn’t replaced the ultimate relationship-building tool between a customer and a business; the human touch.”

Shep Hyken

To truly elevate customer delight, consider these refined strategies:

1. Personalize Every Interaction

In a world awash with generic, automated responses or corporate-style DIY (the horrible intranet links), personalization stands out as a beacon of warmth and sincerity. Take the time to personalize your approach to how you talk to them; do small things that matter to them. Personalization shows that you see your customers as unique individuals, not just numbers on a spreadsheet.

2. Exceed Expectations with Proactive Service

Waiting for customers to reach out with problems is a reactive approach. To truly delight, be proactive. Anticipate their needs and offer solutions before they even realize they need them. Sometimes it is okay to challenge their thinking and ask them questions to make them question their own positioning. Proactive service not only solves problems but also demonstrates your commitment to their satisfaction, making your customers feel valued and understood.

3. Create a Feedback Loop and Act on It

Feedback is a gift, and acting on it closes the loop, showing customers that their opinions are not just heard but valued and implemented. Encourage feedback through various channels, and make it easy for customers to share their thoughts with you. When you make changes based on customer feedback, let them know. Taking feedback and, more importantly, acting on it (and acknowledging the change you are making) also builds trust and loyalty by showing that you are a business that listens and evolves according to the needs of its customers.

Implementing these strategies requires sincerity and a genuine desire to add value, which creates customer delight. It’s about going beyond the transactional nature of business and fostering emotional connections that leave a lasting positive impression. By personalizing interactions, exceeding expectations with proactive service, and creating a responsive feedback loop, you can transform ordinary customer interactions into memorable experiences that not only satisfy but truly enchant your customers.


Don’t wait for the opportunity. Go create it

Posted by in Attitude, Leadership, Personal Branding

How many people do you know who have great skills, but are wasting their career, and life- by waiting for the right chance to come along?

Creating opportunities instead of waiting for them is a proactive approach to personal and professional growth. Here are three ways for you to build this skillset – and then start sailing.

  1. Cultivate Skills: Continuously improve and adapt your skills. Like the person drawing the ladder, use your abilities to create stepping stones towards your goals. How many of you know about ChatGPT or some of the new evolutions taking place? It is not about complaining that AI will take our future away, but to see how you can adapt to it and make it your friend.
  2. Embrace Creativity: Think outside the box. The ladder doesn’t have to follow a conventional pattern if a more creative route better serves your ascent. Creativity does not need a creative person. Just a curious one. Become curious. Find out why. Then ask why not? You will be on the way.
  3. Take Action: Start climbing now. Don’t wait for the perfect opportunity. Build it yourself with each step you take, and you’ll find yourself rising to heights you once only imagined. Just start moving. Just do it (Nike style). Especially when you come across those difficult steps. Keep stepping up. One more!

By applying these three principles, you turn the abstract concept of ‘creating opportunities’ into actionable steps, just like drawing your ladder one rung at a time. Have a great journey. And pass it forward to others who need this advise as well. You will be surprised just how many smart people need this.


You did not come so far to play small. Living an Asymmetric Life!

Posted by in Attitude, Personal Branding, Think Big

Graham Weaver is founder and managing partner of Alpine Investors, a people-driven private equity firm that invests in software and services businesses. With over 20 years of experience in private equity, Graham founded Alpine based on the belief that exceptional people create exceptional businesses, a PeopleFirst philosophy that guides the firm’s choices today. When he’s not inspiring growth at Alpine, Graham teaches a top-rated strategic management course at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business (GSB).

This message stood out for me.

You did not come so far to play small. You came this far to move the world. Now is the time; now is your time.

4 key elements of leading an Asymmetric life:

  1. Do hard things
  2. Do your thing
  3. Do it for decades
  4. Write your story

And overcome fear-

“The four things that we talked about are ways that you can tangibly and tactically throughout your lives look fear in the eye and say to fear, not today, today I’m going to play big, today I’m going to play this asymmetric life. Now is the time to do hard things. There’s something that you fear right now, that’s exactly where you should go. You should be doing that thing.”

Every single point will make a difference. Take the time to listen to this. And then start practicing this.

You did not come so far to play small! You came this far to move the world. Now is your time!


10 Minutes for the next 10 Years – Matthew McConaughey Motivational Speech

Posted by in Attitude, Leadership, Motivation, Personal Branding

I come across these fantastic motivational videos that I love- and then promptly forget. Till I see it again.

I plan to update some of the best ones I see that I find motivating. To make it more relevant- I am also summarizing the key content from these videos that you can use to summarize the entire video into key learning points.

  • Believe in the Possible: Always remember, nothing should be called “unbelievable”. Embrace the extraordinary and give credit to yourself and others for achievements. You can achieve great things, so believe in them.
  • Acknowledge Life’s Hardships: Life isn’t easy or fair, and it’s important to recognize this. Don’t see yourself as a victim; instead, tackle challenges head-on. Overcoming obstacles is part of your growth.
  • Value Effort and Struggle: Most rewarding experiences come from hard work. Don’t shy away from breaking a sweat for what you want. The effort you put in makes the achievement all the more satisfying.
  • Embrace Discomfort: Stick with your journey, even through uncomfortable times. It’s in these moments that you learn the most about yourself and grow stronger.
  • Find Joy in Your Purpose: Happiness is fleeting, but joy is constant. Find joy in doing what you’re meant to do, not just in the outcomes of your actions.
  • Define Your Identity: Understand who you are by recognizing what you are not. Self-discovery is a process of elimination, leading to a clearer sense of identity.
  • Redefine Success: Success isn’t just about money or fame. Define what success means to you, whether it’s family, helping others, or personal growth. Stay true to your definition.
  • Maintain Your Integrity: Make choices that align with who you are and who you want to be. Avoid anything that compromises your character. Remember, integrity is key to true success.
  • Understand the Power of Responsibility: Embrace responsibility as a path to freedom. The choices we make shape our future, so make decisions that build a life you’re proud of.
  • Courage Leads to Growth: Be brave and face your fears. With courage, you’ll find yourself getting stronger, more aware, and more respectful of yourself and your journey.