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Gartner’s Hype Cycle of Emerging Technologies Special Reports

Posted by in Technology


Gartner’s 2009 Hype Cycle of Emerging Technologies was recently announced. 

If you were like me (or I suspect a significant majority of the folks out there in www), chances are you have not heard of this… here is a 1 paragraph primer on what this is –

Gartner introduced the idea of the Hype Cycle in 1995 as a commentary on the common pattern of human response to technology. Since then, the use of Hype Cycles has expanded both within Gartner and by its clients, as a graphical way to track multiple technologies within an IT domain or technology portfolio. Gartner’s Hype Cycle characterizes the typical progression of an emerging technology, from over enthusiasm through a period of disillusionment to an eventual understanding of the technology’s relevance and role in a market or domain. Each phase is characterized by distinct indicators of market, investment and adoption activities.

The 2009 Hype Cycle looks like this –


Figure 1Gartner’s 2009 Hype Cycle Special Report Evaluates Maturity of 1,650 Technologies –

Some interesting thoughts that occurred to me while reading this (and going through the past views)-

  1. I think this is a great way of keeping track of what happens in the technology world. It also gives individuals (it is without a doubt super useful to tech companies & their customers), an idea of the things happening in the technology world- and possible ideas on what to expect, what to focus on, and where to move (from an employment point of view)
  2. The assumption that every new technology will follow the steps – (Technology trigger > Peak of inflated expectations > Trough of disillusionment > Slope of enlightenment > Plateau of Productivity ), in my opinion is flawed.   There are products that go through the Technology Trigger, Peak & move directly to a Plateau of productivity- example Solid state devices (which was in a downward slope from the peak (which I find it difficult to believe) – which has now moved directly to a Plateau of productivity (or possibly a Slope of enlightenment). Similarly, Smartphones. 
  3. Then there are products that literally drop off through the Trough of disillusionment.  (Example- Virtual assistants).  Not all technologies that start off the blocks live through the cycles.
  4. There are Stars and then there are Followers – Some of them bigger ideas need to be followed more closely than the majority of the ideas. 
  5. Confusing a Company for a Technology- Microblogging for example is seen as Twitter. But there are other microblogging sites coming up- which could lead the revolution.  And Twitter’s success (or failure) need not be the Technologies success or failure.

Nett of it, this is a great view to the users.  However, keep your ideas at a higher level & use your judgment on some of these views. Not flawed, I know the level of study that Gartner does, but still always to be on the side of doing some ground work as well.

Here are the other views that could be useful to put this story together. I pulled together a couple of the earlier versions of the Hype Cycle – and below are 2 years – 2008 (Figure 2)  and 2006 (Figure 3).  That may help you piece together your own thoughts as well.


Figure 2 – 2008 Hype Cycle – Where Are We In The Hype Cycle?


Figure 3 – The Gartner Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle 2006 –

In case you are wondering, figure 3 is not deliberately out of focus…. 😉

Happy Hyping 🙂


New World Talent Search- an Employee perspective

Posted by in Career




Back in circulation after a long time. (no excuses for that – but the oldest excuse in the world does really apply – too much travel on work and not enough time to build it).  However, time has come to focus on this- again!

I came across this article (click on the article name for the link to read it) and found it immensely interesting. Why?

In these troubled times, I am sure every employee across the world is looking at his job with renewed focus! To be without a job at this time can be a huge challenge. 

Or is it?

This can also be the time to explore new opportunities -things that we wanted to do, but did not have the time (or the Guts) to do.  Looking at it through an "Opportunity Glass" may make it look much more rosier than it really is…  There are a number of opportunities out there – maybe not in your domain- but beyond! A huge market out to be tapped.

Specific to Resume’s and getting that "traditional job", one has to move beyond the modus operandi of a "standard" job hunt now.. the resume is a "one-to-one" tool that talks to only those people who look at it. There are more people in the market than jobs (at least the good ones).  We need to move to something that offers a broader "brush’ that covers more people! Something akin to Internet Marketing- that covers the same offer to a huge audience!  Targeted message on the product (the person/employee/ his skills) to a targeted audience (Employers, influencers, Talent scouts, headhunters etc) through a focused medium (Internet is too broad- but a vehicle that gets it across- e.g Linkedin).  That is the need of the hour.  People should start looking at creating an image of themselves that is more "complete" than just the Job Description & the "key achievements" that come with it! 

I suspect this is the begging of the Next Wave.

Are we ready for it?

Me? It is work in progress!


Buzan iMindmap

Posted by in Mindmaps



I have recently started using this software – and after the recent updates/ redesign done, I must say, this is terrific. Drawing Mindmap’s on the computer is very close to the ones drawn on paper.  I rarely recommend a software, but this definitely is one of those for those who are keen to try mindmapping- and want to use a software to help them out.

This version has been developed ground up by Buzan himself along with the team- to ensure it adheres to the original vision and the rules of creating a mindmap.  Try it out. I am sure you will love it.

Here is the link –

I am sure you will not be disappointed.



The future of India – Children of India

Posted by in Education, India


I was recently in an Event organized by SKOCH.  They had this bunch of school kids from Sangram in Arunachal Pradesh (north east India for those who are not sure :)) who came and gave a dance. To my surprise, they, then went to on make a small presentation to tell us about their village – and the hardships they face.  Despite the tremendous hardships, I was touched by their hopes for the future- and how they had high expectations of the future- and the country.   It also showed me just how little I know about the realities of rural India.  They opened my eyes to the challenges- and the sheer opportunity we have, as a country. 

Education is key- and there is significant opportunity for making an impact in that space.  Do think about what you an do in this space. Impacting even 1 child in some meaningful way, makes a huge difference to a bigger audience. 

And then I remembered  this video from Times of India. Truly touching.



Rules for Indian Roads

Posted by in Humour, India

Partially taken from : Mohan Dadlani , Outlook Lounge

After driving around in Singapore for the last 10 years, taking to the roads in India was an exhilarating experience.  Singapore driving teaches you to follow rules, and over the years, I had forgotten just how much of an experience Indian driving is.  Sitting at the airport (as I am now), I came across this article which I just have to reproduce (with some minor variations- due apologies to the author Mohan). 

Excerpts from the article:

For the benefit of everyone daring to drive on the Indian roads, here are a few hints for survival. They are applicable to every place in India except Bihar, where life outside a vehicle is only marginally safer.  Indian road rules broadly operate within the domain of karma where you do your best and leave the rest to your insurance company.  The hints are as follows:

1. Do we drive on the left or right of the road?  The answer is both. You start on the left of the road, unless it is occupied. In that case, go to the right, unless that is also occupied. Then proceed by occupying the next available gap, as in chess. (it could be in inches).

2. Just trust your instincts, ascertain the direction, and proceed.  Adherence to road rules leads to much misery and occasional fatality.

3. Most drivers don’t drive, but just aim their vehicles in the intended direction. Don’t you get discouraged or underestimate yourself. most other drivers are not in any better position either.

4. Dont stop at any crossing or Pedestrian crossings just because some fool wants to cross the road. You may do so only if you enjoy being bumped in the back. Some idiot may try to wade across, but then, let us not talk ill of the dead.

5. Blowing your horn is not a sign of protest but to express joy, resentment, frustration, romance or just a wake up call to a dozing cow in the middle of the road.

There are other points- but this really hit the mark for me.  I am sportingly taking the car out – and taking it for a drive every now and then.  I spend more time waiting in corners waiting for someone to stop and let me go- much to the chagrin of people behind me!  Of course, I have learnt to ignore the horns blaring around me- and am re-learning the joy of pressing that horn- which gives an immediate release to pent up frustrations.  The other learning is the ability to rapidly look at all the mirrors in the car- and also in the front of the car.  I realized that it is not necessary now- most drivers just don’t care- as it is not their responsibility to worry about someone’s else’s insignificant life.  The others will take care of themselves – and they do.

Lastly- don’t get attached to your cars! Especially if you cannot stand scratches & dents. They tend to appear magically even when parked on empty roads.

Having fun! Honk Honk. 
