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Lessons from Steve Jobs’ life

Posted by in Innovation, Leadership, Management, Motivation, Personal Effectiveness

Here is an article that my daughter wrote for her school.  There is a lesson in this for all of us as well.  

What Steve Jobs’ Life Teaches Us

By Ryna Shireen Sheriff

We all know who Steve Jobs was. He was the founder of Apple and ran the company over the last few years to make it the biggest PC Company in the world. It was also a very innovative company that changed the landscape of the world in many many ways. He sadly passed away a few months ago.

As students, we have a number of things to learn from Steve Jobs, and here are a few lessons that we all can take away as we move forward in our school lives. ·

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” – For us students this is very important. We should learn to love our school and our studies. Focus all our energy on doing what we love & success will follow.

“We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?”-There is a purpose why we are living in this world. Let us make this life count by doing something spectacular with our life which makes us, our parents, our family and our family and school proud. Don’t waste your life by just passing through.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.” Live your life as if there is no tomorrow. Let us give our best every day and make it all work in the long run.

“Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. We will all face some big challenges in our lives.”- We should find a way to live our lives doing what we love-and God will take care of the rest. Believe in God always, and in your abilities.

Surround Yourself with Brilliance – Whether he was willing to admit it or not, Steve Jobs could not do everything. But he had a great team that he had built that took care of everything else he could not do. For us this means, we should surround ourselves with great friends who are looking forward to doing big things in life.

These are just some but very relevant learning’s for us to take from Steve Jobs life. The next time we use an iPod, iPad or an iPhone, let us remember the lessons from the man who made it possible. Let us work hard here and let us all leave a mark in this world like Steve Jobs has done.


Have you left your MARK?

Posted by in Management, Personal Branding

With a look bordering on panic, Weatherhead School of Management Professor Richard Boland Jr. watched as Matt Fineout, an architect with Gehry & Associates, casually tore up the plans for a new building.

image Boland and Fineout had been struggling for two full days to remove some 5,500 Square feet from the floor plan designed by star architect Frank Gehry, while leaving  groom needed for meeting spaces and office equipment.

At the end of the marathon planning session, Boland had breathed a sigh of relief. “It’s finally done,” he thought.  But at that moment, Fineout rose from his chair, ripped the document apart and threw the scraps into a trash bin.

He responded to Prof. Boland’s shocked expression with a gentle shrug and a soft remark- “We have shown WE can do it; now we need to think of HOW we want to do it”.


This is a fantastic  example of how some companies and some successful people go about creating magic in what they do.

For them, it is not about just doing a job! It is about leaving their mark! 

Every time you start a project, think not just about the outcome – but think about how you will leave your mark!

Think of every project you have done over the last couple of weeks-

  1. List out if there is anything you could have done differently
  2. What would you have done to evoke a “WOW” from your readers, bosses, colleagues?
  3. Now look at your current project.  What are you doing about it? What can you do differently!
  4. Just do it for the current project. Look for the changed feedback!  




What kind of a Hiring manager are you?

Posted by in Hiring, Management

A disciple once asked Socrates. “Sir, you ask everyone who wants to become your disciple to look into the pond and tell you what he sees. Why is it so?”

Socrates replied: “It is quite simple. One who sees the fish swimming around, I accept him. Others who see their own reflection are in love with their ego. I have no use of them.”

Here is the question for you – What kind of a hiring manager are you?

Do you look for people who see the fish swimming around (see a different perspective) or they are a mirror image of yourself (see the world the way you see it).    The growth for you as a Manager, and for your company is in you hiring a person who brings a radically different perspective compared to yours! 



India will be 2nd biggest economy in 2050: PwC

Posted by in India, Leadership, World News

The Times of India: January 08, 2011

London: The Indian economy will register the second fastest growth between now and 2050 and emerge as the second biggest economy in the world by the middle of this century, according to a forecast by the consultancy group, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, released on Friday.

In terms of GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP), India is said to be on track to overtake Japan this year.

The author of the report, PWC’s chief economist, John Hawksworth, speaking exclusively to TOI, said, ”India has the potential to be one of the three great economies of the 21st century, together with China and the US.”

But he warned it would require significant improvement in ”India’s energy and transport infrastructure, less red tape, increased education levels in rural areas, particularly for women, and the continuation of the open attitude to trade and investment seen over the past 20 years”.

The Positives – The population growth will support this as well – with the current population trend where almost 50% of the population is below 25 years old. By 2040, it is expected that India will have the largest working population in the world bar none – this is to be expected.

The negatives-

a) Education system – needs to be revamped. In my opinion a lot  more needs to be done than talk therapy!  More professionals need to take this up and bring about the change.  And change will not come from the Urban towns by the rural towns! 

b) Infrastructure- Bordering on pathetic except for the National Highways…. a lot needs to be done to make this world class…

c) A more personal point- by 2050, I will be 80+ and I suspect a bit too old to enjoy the feeling I have right now about the prospects! Who knows- maybe the lifespan will also increase & I may be still around doing a video blog from my 25G Mobile phone (most probably a Windows iPhone – maybe MS may buy out Apple by then Winking smile  )(Kidding buddies)…
