Make a difference

Goals! By Keith Ferrazzi

Posted by in Goals


I can teach

anybody how to

get what they want

out of life.  The

problem is that I

can’t find anybody

who can tell me

what they want.

– Mark Twain



How true is this? This is a great article from Keith Ferrazzi’s blog and I would be doing disservice to the writer, if I used my interpretation on top of that! So here is the article verbatim.

Part I: Look inside

1. Get your mind ready for a deep self-assessment. Some people pray. Others meditate or read. Some exercise. A few seek long periods of solitude.

2. Shift your mindset. Throw away the usual constraints you put around possibility – the doubts, fears, and expectations of what you “should” be doing. You have to be able to set aside the obstacles of time, money, and obligation.  (For some thoughts on whether following your passion will lead to better financial rewards, check out this post at The Art of Nonconformity.)

3. Create a list of dreams and goals. Some will be preposterous; others overly pragmatic. Don’t edit yourself at all right now. Next to that first list, write down in a second column all the things that bring you joy and pleasure: the achievements, people, and things that move you. The clues can be found in the hobbies you pursue and the magazines, movies, and books you enjoy. Which activities excite you the most, where you don’t even notice the hours that pass?

4. Start to connect these two lists. Looki for intersections, that sense of direction or purpose. It’s a simple exercise, but the results can be profound.

Part II: Look outside

1. Call on advisors and friends.

Ask the people who know you best what they think your greatest strengths and weaknesses are. Ask them what they admire about you and what areas you may need help in.

2. Discuss your self-assessment with them. Ask them to be candid about their reactions.

3. Make decisions. Use the information from your own review and what you got back from others to establish a mission statement and plan of action. For help in setting goals, see my earlier post

Click here for the link-


New World Talent Search- an Employee perspective

Posted by in Career




Back in circulation after a long time. (no excuses for that – but the oldest excuse in the world does really apply – too much travel on work and not enough time to build it).  However, time has come to focus on this- again!

I came across this article (click on the article name for the link to read it) and found it immensely interesting. Why?

In these troubled times, I am sure every employee across the world is looking at his job with renewed focus! To be without a job at this time can be a huge challenge. 

Or is it?

This can also be the time to explore new opportunities -things that we wanted to do, but did not have the time (or the Guts) to do.  Looking at it through an "Opportunity Glass" may make it look much more rosier than it really is…  There are a number of opportunities out there – maybe not in your domain- but beyond! A huge market out to be tapped.

Specific to Resume’s and getting that "traditional job", one has to move beyond the modus operandi of a "standard" job hunt now.. the resume is a "one-to-one" tool that talks to only those people who look at it. There are more people in the market than jobs (at least the good ones).  We need to move to something that offers a broader "brush’ that covers more people! Something akin to Internet Marketing- that covers the same offer to a huge audience!  Targeted message on the product (the person/employee/ his skills) to a targeted audience (Employers, influencers, Talent scouts, headhunters etc) through a focused medium (Internet is too broad- but a vehicle that gets it across- e.g Linkedin).  That is the need of the hour.  People should start looking at creating an image of themselves that is more "complete" than just the Job Description & the "key achievements" that come with it! 

I suspect this is the begging of the Next Wave.

Are we ready for it?

Me? It is work in progress!


Buzan iMindmap

Posted by in Mindmaps



I have recently started using this software – and after the recent updates/ redesign done, I must say, this is terrific. Drawing Mindmap’s on the computer is very close to the ones drawn on paper.  I rarely recommend a software, but this definitely is one of those for those who are keen to try mindmapping- and want to use a software to help them out.

This version has been developed ground up by Buzan himself along with the team- to ensure it adheres to the original vision and the rules of creating a mindmap.  Try it out. I am sure you will love it.

Here is the link –

I am sure you will not be disappointed.



The future of India – Children of India

Posted by in Education, India


I was recently in an Event organized by SKOCH.  They had this bunch of school kids from Sangram in Arunachal Pradesh (north east India for those who are not sure :)) who came and gave a dance. To my surprise, they, then went to on make a small presentation to tell us about their village – and the hardships they face.  Despite the tremendous hardships, I was touched by their hopes for the future- and how they had high expectations of the future- and the country.   It also showed me just how little I know about the realities of rural India.  They opened my eyes to the challenges- and the sheer opportunity we have, as a country. 

Education is key- and there is significant opportunity for making an impact in that space.  Do think about what you an do in this space. Impacting even 1 child in some meaningful way, makes a huge difference to a bigger audience. 

And then I remembered  this video from Times of India. Truly touching.



Mind Maps and Tony Buzan Certification

Posted by in Mindmaps

Singapore -24-27 March 2008

One of my key goals in 2008 was to get certified in Buzan’s Mindmapping.   It gets me a step closer to my longer term goal to be a trainer and help people achieve their untapped potential.  And the sheer opportunity to do this is amazing.

image I am currently undergoing the certification course to become a “Certified Trainer” and hope to start some level of training in the near future.  This also gets me the learning to a)officially and b) correctly train people in this fantastic technique.

Nevertheless, over the last 2 days we have had a series of thoroughly enjoyable training sessions which have taught me some new things about Mindmapping- which I had not practiced earlier.   Working with Henry and his team has been an interesting experience & I am looking forward to the rest of the 3 days to complete this.

I wanted to share this interesting output. I have absolutely no art background and when we were asked to draw a portrait it obviously had me running for cover.  But with some great ideas, and simple techniques I managed to generate the drawing below. The better looking one is the original 😉 (in case you are wondering).


100_4152 100_4150

I am obviously delighted.  The exercise to Juggle Balls was a completely different story!  Will get there as well in the near future 🙂

All said & done, I hope to complete this certification done by the end of this week. 

Wish me some luck 😉

