Embrace Life’s Full Spectrum: How to Live Wide, Not Just Long”

Posted by in Attitude, Motivation, Personal Brand

The quote by Dianne Ackerman beautifully encapsulates the desire to live a full and rich life, not just a long one. And got me thinking if I am really doing things which gives me a bit more depth. Here are three ways by which you could start expanding your life to make it fuller and richer:

1. Seek Variety: Life is a rich mix of experiences, so dip into as many different activities both professional and personal, as you can. Put up your hand for completely new rules, which no one else wants to pick up, try new hobbies, travel to unfamiliar places, and taste foods from different cultures. Each new experience adds a thread to the weave of your life.

2. Cultivate Relationships: The people we meet and the relationships we nurture add depth and color to our existence. Invest time in family, friends, and meeting new people. The shared experiences and memories are the milestones of a life well-lived. Start living your life by giving rather than taking. You’ll be amazed at how many doors open because of that single behaviour.

3. Learn Continuously: Knowledge and skills are the expansion packs of life. Never stop learning, whether it’s through books, courses, or simply by being curious about the world around you. Learning keeps the mind broad and open to new possibilities.
