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Why a Career Portfolio matters and how to build one

Posted by in Attitude, Motivation, Personal Brand, Personal Effectiveness

The future of employment will evolve rapidly. And I believe many of us are not ready. We are still working on the 1980’s and early 2000’s view of a career path that allows us to go deep in what we do. Companies are not rewarding all employees who know only one thing. They are looking for people who bring different skillsets to the role and know how to innovate based on this background.

It is time to start reviewing and reimagining your resume and how you are looking into the future.

It is time to reinvent yourself. It is never too late.


  1. Own Your Career Path: Emphasize self-ownership in your career rather than reliance on your company.
  2. Value Diverse Experiences: Focus on gathering a variety of experiences rather than following a linear career progression. Proactively look for roles that are not standard but unique.
  3. Embrace Change Regularly: Aim to step out of your comfort zone every two years for new challenges (every role should be a talking point for you and not a couple of lines in your resume).
  4. Narrate Your Journey: Be a passionate storyteller of your career, weaving your experiences into a cohesive narrative.
  5. Utilize social platforms: Effectively share and connect your career story on social media for greater impact. Look at LinkedIn, X (Twitter), Other sites similar to this that will allow you to build your brand.

Prepare to Succeed: Winning Your Battles Before They Start

Posted by in Attitude, Business, Coaching, Leadership, Management

Sun Tzu’s ancient wisdom, ‘Every battle is won before it is fought,’ holds true across various aspects of life and business. This philosophy underscores the importance of preparation and strategy. Here are five key ways to ensure you’re well-prepared, mirroring the principles of winning a battle even before it commences.

  1. Thorough Research and Planning: Just like a General studies the battlefield, it’s essential to do your homework before tackling any challenge. For instance, a successful marketer researches their audience extensively to craft messages that resonate. Similarly, understanding the ins and outs of your ‘battlefield,’ whether it’s a market, a project, or a personal goal, ensures you’re not caught off guard.
  2. Understanding Your Strengths and Weaknesses: Sun Tzu emphasized knowing both yourself and your enemy. Apply this by assessing your skills and limitations. Think of a chess player who knows their best strategies but also recognizes their vulnerable spots. This self-awareness helps in developing strategies that play to your strengths while mitigating weaknesses.
  3. Effective Resource Management: Every battle requires resources, be it time, money, or people. Efficiently managing these resources can be the difference between success and failure. Consider a startup: careful budgeting and allocation of funds to the right areas can set the foundation for success before the business fully launches.
  4. Adaptability and Flexibility: The ability to adapt to changing circumstances can pre-determine success. A great example is the tech industry, where companies that quickly adapt to emerging technologies often outperform competitors. Being flexible and ready to pivot strategies as needed is crucial.
  5. Building a Strong Team: No general goes to battle alone. Building a team with diverse skills and talents is like assembling a well-rounded army. Each member brings unique strengths, much like how a football team has players with specialized roles, all contributing to the team’s overall success. A strong, cohesive team can effectively execute plans and overcome challenges.

These steps embody the essence of winning the battle before it’s fought, by being prepared, informed, and adaptable in any situation.

#preparation #sunTzu #artofwar


Patience! Your time will come

Posted by in Attitude, Coaching, Motivation

I was expecting things to happen faster than they are. We planned to shift but we are still unable to – because of issues beyond our control. .

Frustrating? Yes- absolutely

I can do about it? Yes- but it does not come automatically. I was seething with frustration and anger. And then I realised, was there anything I could do about it? If yes- follow through. If not – then stay patient!

Your time will come!


Gettting up… again and again

Posted by in Attitude

It is a fact of life that there is both success and failures in our lives. What matters is how we are handle these situations. The decision on how we respond to any situation is with us!

Keep trying. Keep taking that next step forward.

Failures will take care of itself.
