Make a difference

12 Principles of Personal Branding

Posted by in Personal Brand, Personal Branding

Another great presentation that articulates the Steps to building a great brand. I personally liked the following principles. This is done by Robert Earl Reed.

  1. Clarity
  2. Availability/ Presence
  3. Communication Channels
  4. Quality Contributions
  5. Your brand in 5-6 words (Mine would be “Making a Difference”)
  6. Credible & Authentic
  7. Carry the torch
  8. Recognized by your peers

For a more detailed presentation visit-

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Stay safe and say the right things on Twitter

Posted by in Personal Brand, Personal Branding

While your personal brand can be accentuated with your online presence and your ability to manage the discussions on Twitter, there are downsides – and this is, unfortunately, an example of what can go wrong.

Be very careful about what you say and put up on the Social Sites. 

You never know what comes back to bite you- with more and more reference check being done online…   be careful, be very careful.

Screenshot from 2013-04-10 23:15:35


In pursuit of Wow… A must read

Posted by in Attitude, Leadership

I was cleaning up my book shelf and picked up one of the oldest books in my collection… Tom Peter’s The Pursuit of Wow.  One of my favourite books, I strongly recommend anyone who is interested to start making a difference in what they do.. however,mundane your job may be.  It will definitely have something that will change your life in some manner.

I had bought it in 1995 and one of the most read books in my collection 🙂

Here was one of the things I had marked- and while glancing through it, it made me realize just how relevant it is today as it was in those days.

Here is what employees at New England Securities are told…. 

  1. Take risks. Don’t play it safe.
  2. Make mistakes. Don’t try to avoid them.
  3. Take initiative. Don’t wait for instructions.
  4. Spend energy on Solutions, not on emotions.
  5. Shoot for total quality. Don’t shave standards.
  6. Break things. It is the first step in the creative process.
  7. Focus on opportunities. Not on problems.
  8. Experiment.
  9. Take personal responsibility for fixing things. Don’t blame others for what you don’t like.
  10. Try easier, not harder.
  11. Stay Calm.
  12. Smile.
  13. Have fun.

How true. 

Imagine if you are able to bring the same level of thinking and action to your jobs.

Start doing these things & see the results.

Be different!

Be a player – not the audience! 


Goal Setting

Posted by in Attitude, Goals

High Goals

The one thing most people don’t do is to  set a goal.  Many of us who try to do it  are also easily dissuaded by the level of focus required.

But, there is no other way than setting goals to make your life matter.

Set a goal that looks high!  And work towards it – every day, every hour, every minute.   You will be surprised at what you will be able to reach!

What is your “Big” goal?
