Make a difference

2014–and Changes

Posted by in StartUp




It has been a long time since I wrote on this blog.  Some good reasons and some bad.


Mostly bad. 


It was a tough year for the first 3 months. 


And then Kobo shut shop in India in March 2014.   A lot to write up about on that front, but it does not matter.


And the funny thing was, I was actually excited with the way things are! Because that gave me the one opportunity to do what I have wanted to do for a long time. 


Something on my own. 


We have been a roll since then and started Prost Innovation Labs Pvt. Ltd. with Sunil PP.  It has been a walking on a tightrope – and the learning’s have been by the minute.  


We just completed our 100 days of Prost- and I will keep sharing our learning’s & how things shape up.   The focus of this blog will change as we go forward I guess…  Let me use this to share the Start Up tips that makes a difference.


Learning from a Tragedy

Posted by in Attitude, General Interest, Motivation, Personal

I lost my mother on the 14 December 2013.   It was undoubtedly a very distressing time for me, my family  and of course my father, who was devoted to my mother. 

During the 20 days she was in the MIOT Hospital in Chennai , she suffered because of various reasons.   She lost the battle after fighting valiantly and left a void that will be difficult to fill.   And while I think the entire staff helped in a way that I can never repay them, it taught me something invaluable. 

Something that I think my mother would have wanted me to carry forward and share with others.


Acknowledge and Thank all those who helped – from the heart.

Despite the outcome, it is important to thank the people who helped in any way possible!  A Thank You to them, given freely and genuinely, from your heart, does wonders to heal a heart that is heavy & to those who did as much as they could to help your loved one.  Do this face to face- not on the phone, or by mail. They can follow – but the instant you do it directly, it touches them in a way nothing else would.   And they would help others and possibly make the day for some other patient. 


Do this for people who also may not have helped- and you change them in a way nothing else would. 


Thank you Dr. Mohandass – MD of MIOT Hospital for all that you did.  
