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When was the last time you did something original?

Posted by in Attitude, Innovation, Personal Branding

The way the world is operating now, it’s easy to fall into routines and habits that stifle our creativity and originality—just to maintain the status quo. The number of people who are worried about their jobs does the last thing they should at these times: stay safe and avoid anything original.

Really, think about it. When was the last time you did something truly original—something that made you stand out or brought a fresh perspective to your life? If it’s been a while, it might be time to reignite that spark of creativity within you, drawing inspiration from Adam Grant’s insightful book, “Originals.”

This book is a celebration of those who dare to do things differently. It highlights the importance of originality in driving progress and innovation. Originals are the individuals who break free from the constraints of convention, pushing boundaries and reshaping our world in the process. They show us that doing something original isn’t just about being different; it’s about making a meaningful impact.

Three Suggestions to Rediscover Your Originality, inspired by “Originals”:

  1. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: One of the recurring themes in “Originals” is the concept of stepping out of your comfort zone. To truly innovate and bring original ideas to life, we must be willing to take risks. We often stick to what we know because it feels safe and comfortable, but we should build the muscle to explore the unknown. Try something new, whether it’s a hobby, a cuisine, or a social event. Embrace the discomfort of the unfamiliar, as it can lead to incredible personal growth and originality.
  2. Embrace failure as a learning opportunity. There is no shame in failure. No one really cares. We cannot underscore the importance of embracing failure as a stepping stone to success. The fear of failure can paralyze us and prevent us from trying new things. Failure is not the end, but a valuable learning experience. Every misstep is a chance to refine your approach and grow more resilient. Don’t let the fear of making mistakes hold you back from pursuing your original ideas.
  3. Seek Inspiration from Unusual Sources: To reignite your originality, step outside your usual bubble. Read books outside your typical genre, engage in conversations with people from diverse backgrounds, or explore different cultures and their traditions. Exposure to new ideas and perspectives can ignite your creativity and inspire you to think in original ways. Talk to people you think are non-conformists!

Take a leap of faith. Step out of your comfort zone, embrace the possibility of failure, and seek inspiration from the world around you. You might be surprised at the incredible and unique contributions you can make to your own life and to the world.

Remember George Bernard Shaw’s words:

Here is to a great 2024—where you really step out and do something original! Tell me more.


10 Minutes for the next 10 Years – Matthew McConaughey Motivational Speech

Posted by in Attitude, Leadership, Motivation, Personal Branding

I come across these fantastic motivational videos that I love- and then promptly forget. Till I see it again.

I plan to update some of the best ones I see that I find motivating. To make it more relevant- I am also summarizing the key content from these videos that you can use to summarize the entire video into key learning points.

  • Believe in the Possible: Always remember, nothing should be called “unbelievable”. Embrace the extraordinary and give credit to yourself and others for achievements. You can achieve great things, so believe in them.
  • Acknowledge Life’s Hardships: Life isn’t easy or fair, and it’s important to recognize this. Don’t see yourself as a victim; instead, tackle challenges head-on. Overcoming obstacles is part of your growth.
  • Value Effort and Struggle: Most rewarding experiences come from hard work. Don’t shy away from breaking a sweat for what you want. The effort you put in makes the achievement all the more satisfying.
  • Embrace Discomfort: Stick with your journey, even through uncomfortable times. It’s in these moments that you learn the most about yourself and grow stronger.
  • Find Joy in Your Purpose: Happiness is fleeting, but joy is constant. Find joy in doing what you’re meant to do, not just in the outcomes of your actions.
  • Define Your Identity: Understand who you are by recognizing what you are not. Self-discovery is a process of elimination, leading to a clearer sense of identity.
  • Redefine Success: Success isn’t just about money or fame. Define what success means to you, whether it’s family, helping others, or personal growth. Stay true to your definition.
  • Maintain Your Integrity: Make choices that align with who you are and who you want to be. Avoid anything that compromises your character. Remember, integrity is key to true success.
  • Understand the Power of Responsibility: Embrace responsibility as a path to freedom. The choices we make shape our future, so make decisions that build a life you’re proud of.
  • Courage Leads to Growth: Be brave and face your fears. With courage, you’ll find yourself getting stronger, more aware, and more respectful of yourself and your journey.

Why a Career Portfolio matters and how to build one

Posted by in Attitude, Motivation, Personal Brand, Personal Effectiveness

The future of employment will evolve rapidly. And I believe many of us are not ready. We are still working on the 1980’s and early 2000’s view of a career path that allows us to go deep in what we do. Companies are not rewarding all employees who know only one thing. They are looking for people who bring different skillsets to the role and know how to innovate based on this background.

It is time to start reviewing and reimagining your resume and how you are looking into the future.

It is time to reinvent yourself. It is never too late.


  1. Own Your Career Path: Emphasize self-ownership in your career rather than reliance on your company.
  2. Value Diverse Experiences: Focus on gathering a variety of experiences rather than following a linear career progression. Proactively look for roles that are not standard but unique.
  3. Embrace Change Regularly: Aim to step out of your comfort zone every two years for new challenges (every role should be a talking point for you and not a couple of lines in your resume).
  4. Narrate Your Journey: Be a passionate storyteller of your career, weaving your experiences into a cohesive narrative.
  5. Utilize social platforms: Effectively share and connect your career story on social media for greater impact. Look at LinkedIn, X (Twitter), Other sites similar to this that will allow you to build your brand.

Small victories..

Posted by in Motivation

Tough day?

Going through tough times?

I find these messages very relevant for me. Don’t wait for the big wins. Don’t wait for those game-changing plays.

Life is not always about winning big- every time.

Celebrate even small victories.

Sending out that long pending mail. Completing that long outstanding claim!

Just celebrate after every small action. Every act is a small victory.
